Course 2 – Advancing towards Your Perfect Glaze: 6-weeks

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incl. worksheets, glaze materials, and firing

This 6 week course is indented for potters who have taken the course Introduction to Practical Glaze Chemistry, or already have a thorough understanding of the UMF and materials in glazes.

We will explore the various ways to control your glazes, how to fine tune for specific effects, and finish with investigating new strategies for testing glazes and reviewing the results.

After this course you will:

  • be capable of manipulating your glazes through their chemistry

  • be able to control the glaze application

  • understand how to achieve special effects

  • know how to mitigate various glaze defects

  • have new strategies to efficiently test glaze chemistries

  • walk away with a bunch of new tested recipes and heaps of new knowledge!

The cost of the course includes materials and test firing. You do need to bring your own personal protective equipment and prepare test tiles (though arrangements can be made where necessary).

Add your email to the waitlist and I'll let you know as soon as a spot becomes available
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Course 1+2 – Fundamentals of Practical Glaze Chemistry: 10-week course
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Fundamentals of Practical Glaze Chemistry: 5-day intensive
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Course 1 – Introduction to Practical Glaze Chemistry: 6-weeks
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